We believe that the greatest value of each company is its employees – their knowledge, experience and competence determine the success of the company.

Study co-financing
We invest in the development of our employees by co-financing post-graduate studies, e.g. at the Faculty of Foundry Process Engineering and Plastic Forming at the Silesian University of Technology initiated by PGO, as well as managerial studies.

Vocational training that improves both managerial and sales competencies is carried out on a regular basis. We carry out expert programmes that improve our employees’ knowledge and skills in accordance with the Group's business profile. In 2017, 42 employees participated in individual language training courses financed by PGO.
PGO conducts its business in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and standards concerning the environmental protection.

Environmental protection
The type, scale of business and location of the Group's production facilities have no adverse impact on habitats and species protected under the European Ecological Network Nature 2000.

Waste management
The optimisation of production processes and the segregation, storage, and disposal of waste for processing or utilizing enable us to minimise the amount of technological waste.
Preventing environmental degradation
When manufacturing our products, we observe the precautionary principle, i.e. we take all possible measures to prevent the environmental degradation. All production plants of the PGO Group are certified under the PN-EN ISO 14001 standards.

We help the local community through supporting education, organising and participating in aid actions, employee volunteering and sports sponsoring.

The PGO Running Programme promotes physical activity, integration and team spirit values among our employees. Our employees take part in charity races such as Wings for Life or Business Run. We sponsor the PGO Good Speed Sailing Team that won the ORC 2017 Polish Championship, and Good Shape sailing boats from the "Glinik" Yacht Club.

Support for local communities
Volunteering, employee collections, participation in charity actions are part of the daily life of the Group. Our employees have repeatedly initiated spontaneous actions such as painting a children's hospital, collecting funds for an orphanage or building a warm shelter for stray cats.

Cooperation with schools
The PGO branches cooperate with technical schools in their regions and are patrons of classes oriented to engineering, assemblers and machine operators. We are a partner of the Częstochowa University of Technology, Rzeszów University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology and AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Students of recent years and graduates can participate in the We Shape Your Future internship programme. The programme is intended for ambitious and talented students and enables practical training under the guidance of a personal mentor.